Then it was off to calc class where I have absolutely no idea what is going on. I have lost all faith in my ability to do calc since that disaster of a midterm I had where the average was a 30...out of 100. I still don't know what I got nor do I really want to know cuz I know it sucked. So now I feel like I am mentally incapable of doing calc so derivatives and anti-derivatives and the such just won't make sense since I now hate math and my brain has decided to block out my ability to learn it. I have come to the conclusion that it is a defense mechanism, my brain doesn't want to feel dumb anymore so it just stops me from being able to absorb the material in the first place. I be bad at it if I never really remember learning it in the first place right? yea, I'm messed up.
Any one want to help me learn this stuff?
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